Day 2 of #oneweek100people2019 #oneweek100people challenge 39/100 - I decided to do this indoor, drawing from ref images on my iPad. There are tons of references on the internet therefore it is not difficult to find subjects and topics to draw from. I am using Pinterest most of the time. However, one disadvantage is, you might be using the same ref with someone else and then ended up drawing the same thing. Not a bad thing though. I chose to focus on heads and faces since I find drawing portraits the most challenging especially when you desire to draw likeness. In some cases, I tried exaggeration and see if I could get a likeness just like in drawing caricatures. There are many things to consider: angle of the eyes, distance between the brows and eyes in relation to the nose, angle and proportion of the forehead and jaw, etc. This practice took a while and a little more than 2 hours to finish, but I enjoyed it and helped me with what to look out for when drawing faces. 😅😗
#procreate #ipadpro #applepencil #drawingfaces #headsdrawing#figuredrawing #sketchingheads #portraits #portraitdrawing
These are some of the heads that I really like, and enjoyed drawing. I am using George's "Storyboard" pen brush tools in Procreate. It has the look and feel of using a greasy pencil, with a wide tonal range that is working extremely well with the pen's pressure sensitivity of the iPad. I tried doing this without erasure or correction during the process. This makes it even more challenging and fun.

Hope you have fun doing the challenge too!!
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