Elder Sketcherman Procreate Customised Brush

Georg, an amazing Procreate brush creator, has create a pencil brush that is named after a friend of mine, Robsketcherman. The brush is called Elder Sketcherman, that I have just began to test. Thanks to Rob's recommendation on this awesome brush. So far I have done 2 "serious" drawings with it on my iPad Pro. Here they are:

To me, it has all the light touches of a pencil yet it offers a good range of tonal qualities of a very soft charcoal pencil, minuses all the smudges. It is textured to emulate the texture of a smooth newsprint too or the likes, so marks don't look too digital.

It delivers thin and thick lines at the same time, as well as the tilt function of the Apple Pencil to give a light broad stroke just like a charcoal stick, depending of the pencil pressure, but not so sensitive that it will give a thick black line. This part is my favourite. I like how it is unpredictable as well. Maybe I have not fully understand the functions of the brush yet, but so far, I have no complain.

Honestly, my interest in using the iPad Pro and Procreate to sketch began to wane late last year, just after I did a workshop with Apple for "Today at Apple" event. The reason was, I am starting to feel a little bored with the brushes presets that Procreate provide. Even though I bought a customised brush named "Flourish", it is not giving me the sensitivity that I am looking for.

On the non-digital side of things, I have been using Pentel Brush Pen and Hero Fude fountain pen a lot. These give me a lot more variety of lines and the potential is pretty endless. I need something like that from Procreate. So far, the Elder Sketcherman pencil brush is satisfying my palate more than anything else.

In fact I have bought Georg's Megapack that comes with tons of nice brushes. I have tested them all out yet but I am quite sure I will find something else that I like. Here's the link to his brushes.


Sadly I have yet to find something that works like the Pencil Brush pen and my hero fountain pen. Maybe I should learn how to create a procreate brush from scratch. I just need time. 

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