The art brief was given: 3 illustrations are required for 3 mobile gaming gadgets from the 80s onwards. I have to make some research on which gadgets were the most popular then. Then I produce the sketches for review and approval, and provided some visual references as well.

Click thumbnails for a bigger view. Once green light is given, it is time to create the individual elements. First a picture of my hand is taken (unfortunately I do not have a budget to hire a hand model, so I have to make do with my own hand) and it is taken to Photoshop for cropping and adding some simple efx. During the process, the editor thought the hand used within the graphic is too fat, so I have to "tweak" it in PS again.
The efx are just creating high contrast and adding color half tones... which is very ez to do within PS. Next is to create the game machine. I am using the Game Gear as an example. There is nothing special to the process, just simple airbrushing and drawing the individual elements.
It may look tedious but if you can do it fast enough it may not be the case. Using the same method I went ahead to create the gadget illustrations for PSP4 Go and Game Watch. Yes I have fun and I used references from pictures I found on the internet.
I am going to skip to the final illustrations.

These are the final illustrations. Different color schemes and graphic designs are used for different mobile gaming gadgets.

Thank you for reading.

Click thumbnails for a bigger view. Once green light is given, it is time to create the individual elements. First a picture of my hand is taken (unfortunately I do not have a budget to hire a hand model, so I have to make do with my own hand) and it is taken to Photoshop for cropping and adding some simple efx. During the process, the editor thought the hand used within the graphic is too fat, so I have to "tweak" it in PS again.

It may look tedious but if you can do it fast enough it may not be the case. Using the same method I went ahead to create the gadget illustrations for PSP4 Go and Game Watch. Yes I have fun and I used references from pictures I found on the internet.
I am going to skip to the final illustrations.

These are the final illustrations. Different color schemes and graphic designs are used for different mobile gaming gadgets.

Thank you for reading.
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