It seems that my blog is back online. Thanks to all the hours put in yesterday to resolve the issue of being listed as an attack site. It is a good thing it is not lasting for too long because there will be people reviewing my portfolio and I do not want to disappoint them. Here's a quick sketch I did among all the other sketches i tried to make yesterday amidst the chaos!
I drew it with a brush pen and a Faber Castell PITT Marker (S), scanned it in and painted digitally with Photoshop.

Other than that, I am glad that I upgraded Wordpress. Now it is easier to edit post, change settings and upload pictures. Cool!! =)
I drew it with a brush pen and a Faber Castell PITT Marker (S), scanned it in and painted digitally with Photoshop.

Other than that, I am glad that I upgraded Wordpress. Now it is easier to edit post, change settings and upload pictures. Cool!! =)
comic illustration
Concept Art amp; Design
Digital Art
digital illustration
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