A lazy weekend - labor's day's tomorrow. Before attending church, I was looking through my sketchbook and all the old sketches I did. I came to the page on which I did some thumbnail sketches of "Priest", and decided to do up a few more drawings of that character concept, though in my mind, there is nothing - which means you know what. I finished the sketches just in time to go to church. After church we ate Korean Tofu Soup and then spent another 2 hours at the LACMA aka Los Angeles County Museum of Art. For your information to those who read my blog and are living in LA, the museum is opened free to the public daily from 5pm - 8pm. In retrospect of labor day, the museum is opened free to the public too. Yippee. We came back home at about 830pm, and I decided to digitally paint the sketches with Photoshop.
[caption id="attachment_46" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Priest II - pencil sketch painted in PS"]
[caption id="attachment_46" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Priest II - pencil sketch painted in PS"]

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